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Protective Behaviours

Children with a disability are 4 times more at risk that their neurotypical peers of harm including child sexual abuse, and children with a disability are less likely to be believed, prioritised or even listened to when they speak up (as shown by the Royal Commission).

We can’t be there for them 24/7 so we need to empower our children to be able to keep themselves safer with knowledge around body ownership, speaking up and determining their own “feeling safe”. We want our children to feel strong, safe and capable for whatever is out there.

Our team have been teaching, living and advocating for Protective Behaviours for many, many years, and have been a part of the international movement to bring PBs up to the highest standards in Australia. We have partnered with PB West and some of the original program founders to teach the complete, empowering and REAL PBs. 

Parent education

Child sessions

Parents and carers are often a child's first therapists, fiercest advocates and biggest role models. 

Protective Behaviours provides a strong foundation to support parents doing this giving the language, tools and skills to help parents keep their children safe and empowered and heard. 

We work with children and families one-to-one to teach Protective Behaviours strategies and lessons. We have been working with children for over 15 years teaching them how to keep themselves safe and speak up when they don't feel safe. We make our lessons fun and engaging, and work with each child where they are at. 

Organisation training

We have spent many years supporting organisation to teach, support and live the Protective Behaviours process. We are registered with the Protective Behaviours International and offer accredited training based on the whole Protective Behaviours process to understand foundations through to the application. 


Our team have been teaching, living and advocating for Protective Behaviours for many, many years, and have a wealth of knowledge. We offer bespoke consultations, and trainings for organisations, whether championing PBs in your centre or creating PB-informed values we can support you with this. 

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Caring Child
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