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From Surviving to Thriving

We are walking alongside you..

We offer training and workshops based on therapeutic models

and real lived experiences to help you parent.. plus!

As parents and therapists we are on this journey too. We have gathered together all our best tips from

living with, working with and loving our neurodiverse kids.

We want to help every member of your family go from surviving the everyday to embracing

our unique, special families and truly thriving like they deserve.

We have online training you can complete at your own pace, and group workshops where you can connect and share with other parents on the journey.



Building a solid foundation

This series of workshops are what we call the foundations – helping you to organise the basics so that you can focus on the more important things. It is important to have good foundations to build on rather than just survive the crisis – because you are in it for the long haul and what you do now sets up the success of the whole system for your family, your children and even the world.

Online Learning

Learn at your own pace

Organising Appointments


Sometimes just getting organised can be a daunting task! Ash takes us through her best tips as a parent and a therapist for keeping track of calendars, emails, appointments and reports for parents already feeling like they are swamped, and who want to focus on more important things than calendars.

Accessing supports


There are a lot of services and supports out there - but often they are hidden and you need to jump through a lot of hoops to access them. We try to make this simple and offer accessible main stream alternatives. This is an Australian specific workshop to help you connect with the support services you and your child really need (and deserve)!

Strong home foundations


For a child their home is often their safe place and their respite away from the rest of the world. However, home is not always calm or easy. We go through some ideas on how to set up your home to be neurodiverse friendly including how to minimise clutter and demands, establish a anxiety-free routine, create a safe place and even how to do a “sensory walk” through your home to see what might be unintentionally adding to your child's overwhelm.

Coming soon


Creating connections to support your family

We are starting to move from surviving the everyday to strengthening relationships in the family and building connections with the community that will support everyone. With strong foundations, we can look to grow family functioning and parent self care as we move towards thriving.

Online Workshops

Learn with a community

Parent & Carer Self-Care

Parenting can be hard and parenting a child with extra needs can be even harder -  it can often feel like an emotional, stressful and isolating journey. It is important that we can look after ourselves so that we have greater capacity to look after our children. 

This workshop explores challenges to self care that may come up while raising a neurodiverse child and go through some achievable changes we can make to reduce our stress, anxiety and mental load every day.

Strong Family Foundations

Having a child with extra needs impacts every single part of your life, and your family's life. We go through how to build strong family connections and systems in which everyone can thrive. We look how to support family functioning, get siblings on board, and we also look at the importance of a family-wide action plan to keep everyone safe when there are big behaviours in the home.

School Support

School can often be one of the most challenging places our children attend, but the right school and systems can really help them thrive and connect. 

We talk about what options there are for schooling, how to support your child through school challenges, and how to create a partnership between your family and the school to make sure everyone is on the same page in supporting your child. 

Starting soon


Growing as a neurodiverse family

This series of workshops builds on the achievements of the previous workshops to move you and your family into thriving. It helps you to not only support your child but to embrace the special person they are and advocate for their identity and future moving forward.

Group Workshops

Learn with a community

Protective Behaviours for neurodiversity


Children with special needs are 4 times more at risk that their neurotypical peers of harm including child sexual abuse. And as shown by the Royal Commission children with a disability are less likely to be believed, prioritised or even listened to when they speak up. We can’t be there for them 24/7 so we need to empower our children with knowledge around body safety, speaking up and determining their own “feeling safe”.

This is the first autism specific Protective Behaviours training in WA, from internationally qualified Protective Behaviours trainers, therapists and parents of Autistic children. This is a limited number training so there is space for discussions and questions.

Advocating for your child


We talk about how to support your child to embrace their identity and how to feel proud about their uniqueness. We talk about how self esteem and self image can be influenced and how to support the right influences. 

We talk about how to be a proud and fierce advocate for your child and promoting inclusivity in every space for them and the wider community.

Image by Helena Lopes

Parenting Retreat

Register your interest

We are finalising plans for a weekend retreat in 2023 for our parents and carers of neurodiverse children

- we think of it like a neurodiversity parenting bootcamp!!

We will go through all the practical stuff about getting organised and accessing services, we will then go through how to thrive moving forward including how to look after yourself, keeping the family connected and planning for the future with your special family in it.

As well as group sessions you will also have the opportunity for one-to-one sessions with our Little Tree counsellors and our parenting support experts to talk about and support your unique family. 

We will also have a lot of time for self care and relaxation as we know what you are going back to.

We will have a yoga teacher, masseuse and healthy food on site. 

Due to the therapeutic nature of the process it will only be open to a small group so please register your interest asap.

We are so excited you are keen to join us! We will be in touch as soon as we can.

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